Saturday, July 15, 2006

Living the Dream

I have a secret stored in a box.
It's pretty big, because the box even has a name,
This secret I store
Is a tale of possible future and maybe a dash
Of past;
See, these days could still be
All dreams, tempting me
Letting me believe
That life could be this good.
I walk light of foot,
So as not to risk
Bumping something in the night
Waking me to the plight
Of reality
And the banality
That comes with it.
Afraid to begin enjoying all that is here,
That it may disappear in a swift wipe
Is my fear.
The problem is
I cannot help but begin to enjoy
The colors and their names swirling around me
Like a pinwheel in the wind.
It's warming to see
And feel this sensation
So foreign; the stability brought on by such a healing embrace.
Maybe I can just believe for a moment
And maybe, just maybe
This dream can last

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