Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Today Is The Matter At Hand

There has never been
A time
Better for the people.
We are all that we can be
As long as we believe
There are none who can stop all that we wish to achieve
Just believe,
There is always a choice
Make a difference
And don't wait for tomorrow
For tomorrow is not yours to delegate.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

something out of nothing

it was something like an afterthought
that was all bigger than it seemed
something like the flick of a wrist
when you don't think about it
when you drive down the street
and stop without really seeing the sign
hearing someone's voice
without paying attention
to the meaning of their words
that was what it was
for her to present me

a gift

of magnitude
so large
and inspiration
so great
i put it in words
to remember what people do for others
even when they wouldnt realize
that this is what ive written about

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Taking a Bite Out of the Apple

It's been a tragic tale
A loss so great
It left my heart frail.
A tattered piece of coal
No longer did I know
What it was to be whole.
The hole in my being
Kept me from seeing
The possibility
There was a probability
To save all I held dear.
So here
As you hear me draw near
I have found a way back
But not without a lack
Of trying
Realizing that my beloved
Was not dying,
This technology is so trifle,
Once had me ready to get the rifle
Now again, am I enamored
Even flattered,
That I can bring these words back
To a world that does not have the patience
to care

Thursday, March 08, 2007


On a lighter note,
It's never too late to hope
As long as it's not too late to realize
The dreams you've kept locked away
Even from your own brain.
I woke up the other day
And realized I had a day to deal with.
But by that night
Couldn't remember half of what I did.
Feeling wasted by the waning light,
I was excited to get to sleep
And see what treats
The new day could bring.
But by the time I woke up the next day
It was too late
To do anything worthwhile.
I had no one to tell anyway;
All my friends are ghosts
Wavering in flight
Looking for life.
So it's back to bed,
In the hope of something to see tomorrow
Something new
To do.

Saturday, February 10, 2007


I knew he would write this one day
A day I had long seen
And allowed to pass.
I was the one
Who whispered life
In his ear,
Painted his heart as a work of art.
Without me,
None could hold him near.

He was passed down to us
Developed as a miracle; he has grown to leave us;
Our hope always being
That he would surpass us
In happiness
And instilled in him
Are all that we are.

I met him in a fleeting pass,
It took something of time to peel away
The distance between us. I knew who he was
But never him,
Until happenstance
Locked us into eternal friendship
And without me
He may never have known
How to be the man I today see.

Like the man of worth before me
It was simply a fluke
That I came to be the best man
A man can trust. We've exchanged ideas
But never barbs
We've exchanged philosophy
But never faith
And I taught him that sometimes
It is quite alright
To let emotion get the better of you.

A friend of a friend came by
And to dinner we all went.
He was the one in the corner all night
Aloof to the events around him.
I don't think I knew then,
He was simply too shy for his own good.
But with the passing days
I showed him that being close to another
Does not mean friendship cannot be made by another.

And in the years that followed,
As I came into his sight,
I showed him that there is much to learn
In the world we see
That trust is most easily won
When you have nothing to hide.

It seems thematic that the events in his life
Seem to be by chance,
As we were possibly a day away
From never having met.
On that night I saw him first,
I knew I had him in my pocket forever.
Maybe there was a part of me
That wouldn't believe he would do all
For me.
But that doubt is erased today.
In our time growing together
I have shown him
Courage does not mean "without fear",
Victory does not mean "without pain",
And most importantly,
I have proven he is man and not clairvoient,
For his own prophecy will never come true
As I age by his side
In love forever.

As I was there to begin,
So shall I be until the end
He was never alone,
As I plotted his paths
Allowing him the choices
To pass.
There was never a moment left unknown
All has come to be
As it always should have been.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Down For The Day

There was something in the crowd
The other day
It could have been the sun
Simply shining down
And separating what is real,
From my memories.
But nonetheless, there you were. Walking through the crowds
Moving along, carried by the clouds.
I laughed to myself later,
Wondering why you would come back.
Thinking maybe there was just that great of a hairdresser here
Or maybe one more caress of a cheek
That you had left behind.
It wasn't that long ago,
Or maybe it was
I was at that podium
Discussing what everyone knew
About you.
It wasn't that long ago
Or maybe it was
That the pain was a great part
Of this downtrodden heart.
But they were your words
That helped me to heal...
For in life, there is always opportunity
And with that
There will always be hope.
Thanks for stopping by...