Friday, December 01, 2006

Save My Life With Lies

I heard a rumor about me and it made me wonder
If all things that come to pass
Have reason after all.
Roman said I was important to all,
Especially those whose hearts I hold.
I am the nail to the board,
The twine to the post
And it made me wonder why now?
Was it nicety, or reality
About me
That influenced his lips
Or maybe even his brain
To let loose the compliments he contained.
For it was not long in the past,
He told Bella of transgressions I had never commited.
There was a day when I was blissfully unaware of his sword unsheathed
Leveling slowly
Into the small of my back,
It took Bella's cries for me to realize
The death of our life together
Brought on by Roman's silver tongue.
But if not for his words then,
I may have never wandered to the fields alone,
Stumbling upon the one butterfly
Who dared to stay
Upon my shoulder
And save my life.


Cosmically enhanced, from day one you had me entranced
So much so
That I always seem to forget
The words I would place here
To describe you best, my butterfly.
Something about this...
The way you said that...
Maybe...the smile...
And how all the while...
You do all that you do...
I don't know how to say
There is a way
About who you are
That drives me to the stars
And in that trip
I lose my mind
To my heart
Again, forcing me to start over...
I try to equate you to a four-leaf clover,
Sweetly frosted in my life,
There's something magical in all you do,
It preventss me from ever finding the words
To tell you how true
I believe this love to be...
Lost again in the face I see.


There is a stabbing behind my eyes
A sharpness attacking my thoughts considered wise.
It's rise
Is brought about from the demise
Of my prized
Traces of faces seem to melt
Mold and pelt
The inside of my brain.
I cannot keep straight
What is real,
What might be fake.
I have become the clown, masked with cake.
I turn to tomorrow and ask for help,
But burningg in my head
Is the ever constant yelp
Screaming and tearing from left to right,
Never letting me sleep without fright.

Friday, October 27, 2006

Must Be Getting Old

I think I must be getting past my prime
Cause I'm starting to realize
I always theorize
That I know more
Because I am of the generation before.
It seems like these kids today
Want to drift away,
They don't care
About anything but their hair,
Don't seem to worry
About the world's flurries
Of debate and hate
The fragile state
Of our communication,
Is lost upon them.
But is it up to me,
To simply flee?
Or better to stand
And listen
If I am around to teach
Could I make it better
With my outreach?
Is it too late
To change the hate
Argue the debate
And correct that fragile state?
I have nothing left
But to reach across
A gap of generations;
My effort to evicerate
A misunderstanding leading to a path of hate.

Saturday, September 30, 2006

Back From The Fringe

There was a day,
It was one day...
We were among the lost avenues,
Or better yet,
Lost among the avenues...
Of folk
Who knew no better than to accept who we were.
It was a child's simple mind
That gave direction
To the diction
I now lay before you.
And even as we turned east,
Fighting the bitter twist of events,
Fate led us to the fields
That helped me to realize...
Sometimes you end up in the place that you are always supposed to be in.
And without ever being able to tell you for sure,
I know without a doubt,
I stood in the place
Where my own family cared for themselves before I could ever know
Who they were.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Under The Tree

Always I have you in my heart,
It's as if you were there with me from birth.
I can't wait, really I can't;
Seeing you that day is like waiting for Christmas
When you know
What you are getting under the tree.
I feel like crying, but all the same
Want to laugh
When I think of the times that we have
Ahead of us.
There is no way I can forsee
All that I plan to feel
When I see you for the first time

Shut Your Mouth

It's not two steps from my brain
To my mouth
But long always it seems
The path to speak.
I've not yet released the angst of yesterday
And am looking forward
To what tomorrow
Will allow me to lock away
For a future day.
A ticking time bomb?
Nothing like that,
Just unsure of the script
That had been provided
In times past.
It's all that I've known
To lock away the treasures of disdain
Like they are pieces of gold
Always with me,
These stories untold.

Friday, July 28, 2006

Growing Up

I was about a knee high
The first time I realized I could fly.
That was the 70's and I was alright with life.
I was about to cry
The first time I felt pain from afar,
She was on a track and I was in the dark.
That was the 80's and I was alright with life.
I was brought back to earth
Descended from dreams of mirth
When disappearing acts
Were my emotional tax,
That was the 90's and I almost gave up on life.
I wish I could tell you I stand 10 feet tall
But I still have far to fall
Much to learn, more important maybe
That it's knowledge I yearn.
I wish too I had the time to expand upon
All the names I call upon
For my life, my love
These lessons, all my doves;
It's the 21st, I again, am alright with life.
I listen so you can talk,
I wander, so you can walk,
I take these words inside
To forever fuel my drive.
It's the 21st, I've lived my worst,
I live to fill the rest of these lines,
All it takes now
Is time.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

General Ledger

Where you stepped in life
I never noticed,
Until you stepped in my path.
This much is obvious,
The place where I took notice
Of you.
I admire,
Not that it matters,
All that you have accomplished.
It is amazing to me
All that a mind can achieve
Sailing to the stars,
Reaching a dream born and bred
In green and neon sensations,
Allowing this to be
A better place for all
To see.
I thank you
For all you do,
Embrace a tree
For me.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Living the Dream

I have a secret stored in a box.
It's pretty big, because the box even has a name,
This secret I store
Is a tale of possible future and maybe a dash
Of past;
See, these days could still be
All dreams, tempting me
Letting me believe
That life could be this good.
I walk light of foot,
So as not to risk
Bumping something in the night
Waking me to the plight
Of reality
And the banality
That comes with it.
Afraid to begin enjoying all that is here,
That it may disappear in a swift wipe
Is my fear.
The problem is
I cannot help but begin to enjoy
The colors and their names swirling around me
Like a pinwheel in the wind.
It's warming to see
And feel this sensation
So foreign; the stability brought on by such a healing embrace.
Maybe I can just believe for a moment
And maybe, just maybe
This dream can last

Friday, July 14, 2006

Invasion of the Amazons

Won't be long now...
I can hear their breath,
The writhing laughter taunting my testosterone
Down to the core,
Sending me running to the porch.
I can feel the stomping of their feet arriving
Sending me diving
Behind any piece of furniture
That can hide me from the overture
Of the invasion.
These women, dominating all facets of my reality,
Are taking my sanity
For their exquisite breakfast,
But it's still not enough
To satiate their appetite.
Just enough for their temporary delight.
They are here and here they stay
All night and every day...
But I guess I can live with it for a week,
A servant so meek, I am weak;
But if I play the cards right,
I can mold a story for the boys
That may be tight.

Friday, July 07, 2006


The pain in my brain
Is the drain
Caused by a strain
Of viral microbes,
Acting as sapping diodes,
Leaving my body tired and tense
Seemingly with no sense.
The doctor shrugs
Claims there are no drugs
For a sinus infection.
And although I agree with his projection
I hate the fact
That there is a lack
Of treatment for me
So I sit in the heat
Feeling systemically weak
Wondering why I have to be sick
When summer has come
Into its full click.


Thursday, July 06, 2006

Let me clear my throat...

Welcome one, welcome all to a place that will finally house my innermost thoughts and the intricate designs of all words I formulate; whether they make sense or not.
For my opening act to this world of blogging, I want to thank Charmaine for starting a blog, because I am simply riding her coattails.
But most importantly, I want to thank the beautiful, future Mrs. Pimental for always "bugging" me to post my words and not be afraid to let others see this "gift" of mine.
So without further ado, this is dedicated to Lisa, it is one of my favorite pieces of work, not simply because it reminds me of her, but because I knew before I met her that someone would fit the mold of this piece.
I can't take credit for it...if I tried I would probably be struck by lightning...and ironic is it not, that my opening blog wouldn't even list one of my own works...

Something in the way she moves
Attracts me like no other lover
Something in the way she woos me

I don't want to leave her now
You know I believe and how

Somewhere in her smile she knows
That I don't need no other lover
Something in her style that shows me

I don't want to leave her now
You know I believe and how

You're asking me will my love grow
I don't know, I don't know
You stick around and it may show
I don't know, I don't know

Something in the way she knows
And all I have to do is think of her
Something in the things she shows me

I don't want to leave her now
You know I believe and how